
Sunday, May 13, 2007

Sikkim TYC sings His Holiness Dalai Lama autonomy

Gangtok: Whatever the yawning differences have been surfaced in between Tibetan Youth Congress(TYC) and His Holiness Dalai Lama of Tibetan issue, Sikkim chapter of TYC but seems to have no any sort of objections with the view of the His Holiness Dalai Lama. His Holiness Dalai Lama, the great holy leader has been spearheading the Tibetan freedom movement since 1959.

Now he has agreed on Tibetan autonomy as ‘middle way approach’. But TYC has sharply rejected the view of the middle way approach of the Dalai Lama. Its All India President Kalsang Phuntsok Godrukpa says that they are now prepared to give the His Holiness Dalai Lama’s long-standing policy of non-violence the go-by to achieve the goal, that is, independent Tibet.

He further said, ‘There is nothing wrong in killing a terrorist to save 500 innocent lives. So I won’t rule out the use of violence to achieve our goal in the future.” Right opposite Karma Thinley, president of Sikkim chapter, says, “No, we are just a NGO so we are under the Government in exile of the His Holiness Dalai Lama. So, what the high holiness has taken the initiative is welcome.

After all he has taken up the middle way approach for the sake of Tibetans.” Likewise, Nawang Norbu, welfare officer of Tibetan Welfare Office, Gangtok, which is directly under the home department of Tibetan exile government, also not looked disagreed with the demand, independent Tibet. When asked mightn’t TYC’s steadfast demand of independent Tibet cause hindrance in the His Holiness Dalai lama’s demand of autonomy as well as Chinese government find the place to drive a wedge between the Tibetan people, he said, “Let them(TYC) pursue their demand (independent Tibet) which is also a rational demand.” He also stated, “How could we stop them to raise the demand?”But he again added the rider, “But His Holiness Dalai Lama after knowing the situation and consequences of the world politics had taken the steps for the betterment of Tibetan people”

Regarding the difference in statement of the TYC leaders of Sikkim chapter, Thinley says, “ we are residing in sensitive place(Sikkim), so we can’t speak in unison with our central leaders.” In Sikkim alone there are more than 3500 Tibetan refugees settled.

Despite the opposition of TYC of the Dalai Lama’s autonomy, from 2000 the dialogue over autonomy had started between China government and the His Holiness Dalai Lama. So far 5 delegations have gone to China for the dialogue which is still in underway.

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