
Monday, June 11, 2007


Gangtok/Siliguri, June 10: Prashant Tamang entered amongst the eleven finalists in Indian Idol yesterday evening through his admirers SMS. But, North Bengal faced public ferocity for poor SMS services of mobile network services. Admirer of Idol Prashant of Darjeeling to Kalimpong defaced and gheraoed offices of mobile service providers alleging their SMS votes for a local Indian Idol contestant were not being registered.
Hills people alleged their votes for Tamang were not being registered because of network problems, especially with Reliance and BSNL connections, and claimed "sabotage".

Both companies, however, insisted that the votes were registered, and Tamang indeed made it to the final 10, which proved later on.
Fury crowd damaged a Reliance outlet in Darjeeling. Mob cracked billboards of service providers across town. BSNL and Reliance offices were gheraoed in Kalimpong, and Kurseong, street protests occasioned, but Finally Prashant entered the Dragon.


  1. Hi... just saw your blog... I too have memories related to Sikkim, especially this place called La Chung. I lived there as a kid for 4 years. If you do have any inputs about the place, please do write about it. I will keep going through all your other posts in the meantime.

  2. Thanks Painy for the comments..surely i shall surely write about the beautiful place of Lachung in days to come...You are even welcome to share your writings about Lachung!!

  3. One of these days I will write something about Lachung and send it to you... but the writing will have personal memories and will not be about the place as such.... :-(
