
Sunday, January 04, 2009

I answered this beauty contest questions

It was sometimes back I was asked to make the set of around 30-40 questions that could be asked in a beauty contest! The person who visited me was a noted celebrity in his own right and a close friend to me, though I did try to make him clear that I had not come across any such beauty contest and to collect the questions and to answer wasn't as easy as he had thought. But he gave me a deaf ear and told me he would see me in three days. 

Well, I wasn't prepared for this task yet I looked out on the internet, I just found questions but no answers. So I gave my best shot to answer it myself. Three days later he came and took the solved answer script from me and it was something strange that after a month I came across him at the market and thanked me...I was told she was among the top three in the beauty contest. Since then the question and answer are with me lying in one of the copied CD, so this time around I thought why not share it with everyone...who knows who need them!

Who is your role model and why?

I always had been a great admirer of Lady Diana and would like to make the mark that women can achieve what their male counterparts can better do.

What qualities do you feel a good role model should possess?

Kind heart, soft soul, positive thoughts, and grit determination

Why do you want to be Mrs. North East?

It would provide me an opportunity to interact with people of different cultures and costumes.

Why did you enter this pageant?

It will prove a worth that a housewife can achieve more beyond the four corners of her house.

What are your future plans?

I would like to contribute to my society, especially in the upliftment of women.

What is the best advice you have ever been given?

Always believe in what you do and the rest will fall apart.

What are three words that describe you best?

Elegant, earnest, and loyal

What is your favorite color and how do you feel when you wear it?

Sky blue is the colour I am much attracted towards, I like simple things in life and sky blue colour reflects my image with more ease.

What are some things you did to prepare for this pageant?

I never planned as such; I just wanted to enjoy being here.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

I was born and brought up in Sikkim, my family roots are associated with Sikkim for a long time and I would not like to leave this beautiful place in heaven. For me, Sikkim is the most beautiful place in the entire world.

Do you have a favorite sport?

I like watching Lawn Tennis, my favourite player is Maria Sharapova.

What can people do to help the homeless?

Bring forward a helping hand; give him home, shelter and food.

If you could meet anyone in the world (living or not) who would it be and what would you say to them?

I would like to exchange words with the Late Lady Diana and listen to her experiences.

What is your most prized possession?

My three children, they gave me the experience of being a mother.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I see myself having my own identity.

How would you try to improve racial relations among people?

Stop discriminating the people of colours and creeds.

If you could live anyone else's life, who would it be and why?

I wish to be myself and would never try to be in anyone’s shoes.

If you had only one wish, what would it be and why?

I would wish for a world with people living in joy and harmony. I do not like gloomy faces.

If you could give Rs. 50,000 to any charity in the world, which one would it be and why?

I would donate it towards Nayuma Women’s Charity; it works towards the upliftment of women in Sikkim.

What does the word "loyal" mean to you?

Loyal means to me to be faithful.

What has been the most significant accomplishment in your life? Why?

I have been able to carry on with my role of a daughter, a wife, a daughter-in-law, and a mother successfully. This has been my greatest satisfaction and my greatest accomplishment, so far.

At what point does a girl become a woman?

A girl becomes a woman when she leaves her father’s house after marriage.

Do you consider yourself to be a giver or a taker? Why?

I have been a taker till I never knew my duty towards my society, now when I know my responsibility I am at the receiving end.

What do you want to do in life?

I want to prove my existence and I want to have my own identity. I do not want to get lost among the crowds of 1 million Indians.

What are the best qualities a parent could share with their children? Why?

The best way to understand our children is to be a friend with them. The more you remain close, the closer they become.

Tell me about cultural activities in your state.

Sikkim is a secular state with people of all ages participating in every cultural and religious activity.

Describe Beauty.

Beauty according to me is a description beyond words. It is that feeling that gives you sheer pleasure, more or less a complete satisfaction afar comparison.

Define Indian women or a few characteristics that separate Indian women from other women?

For Indian women family values matter the most, never to be compromised with it. They take pride in themselves in calling themselves the better half of their spouse.

Can you focus the word “beauty with brains”

Loveliness when combined with the constructive framework of mind works together as beauty with brains.

Suppose you become a beauty pageant and while traveling to a fashion contest, in a mid-way you find a poor child fainted due to hunger-with fever. What would you do?

Without a single thought, I will definitely give my first preference to that child.

What is the strength of the word ‘mother’ and why?

Mother is that beautiful feeling that makes a girl different from a woman. Motherhood put together a complete woman.

What is “beauty balancing”, from teenage to motherhood? (Where lies the beauty)

Beauty in teenagers is tender, soft, innocent, and taking the opportunity while beauty in motherhood is a responsibility, family values, maturity, and accepting challenges.

Define “the mother is the father of all”.

I would like to take a quote by the great Napoleon, who once told “No country can develop if the women of that country are not literate. The women can teach their children the ethics of life.” Thus we can conclude that the mother is the father of all.

How women should maintain beauty from newly married to the age of 70s?

Beauty is never taught, borrowed, or stolen, the more you pour more it spread. Beauty has its place in every heart, it only deepens with each passing day.

Focus on defining “Northeast. (Culture, trends, fashion, hot issues, etc.

The North-East is simply mysterious, mystical, mesmerizing, motivating, and a must for nature fanatics. It is a land of natural beauty beyond comparison.

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