
Monday, June 01, 2009

What Should be Min. Edn Quali. for Legislators of Sikkim

There is a wonderful forum for the people of Sikkim, by the people of Sikkim and off the people, places of Sikkim. The forum is called and we do share our thought about our Sikkim in it. There was one thread where we tried to sought out what could be the minimum qualifications required for the posts of Sikkim State Assembly. I do feel politics these days have become a profession rather than those old days social service serving to the people.

Comming back to that particular post i am talking about we had few opinions that minimum qualification should be around any form of graduation and some political experience before the big prize. And in between this there was one friend with byname "Chalamthangey" who had done some nice work regarding the required qualification for the SLA which i would like to share with everyone...

Chalamthangey says...

"Truly admitting I am of the different opinion. I percept the following criteria for their eligibility for those who are holding key portfolios.

i) Minister HRD: A veteran Academician
ii) Minister PWD, Building & Housing and other similar trades: Minimum M.Tech
iii) Minister Forest, Environment & Wildlife: M. Sc. Ecology & Environment, M. Sc. Disaster Mitigation
iv) Minister Finance: MA , Ph.D. in Economics, M.Com, CA, MBA (Finance)
v) Minister Science & Technolgy: A Senior Research Fellow holding a Ph.D in any of the applied sciences.
vi) Minister RMDD: M. Sc in Sustainable development, MA Ph.D. in Sociology
vii) Minister Tourism: Master in tourism & hospitality management.
viii) Minister Health: A celebrated retired physician having MD in any of the clinical disciplines of medicines like medicine, surgery, ENT, Radiology, Opthalmology, Obstetrics & Gaenecology, Pathology, Dermatology, TB & Chest, Paedeatrics, Orthopedics, neurology, nephrology etc.
ix) Minister PHED: M.Sc in chemistry, Biotechnology
x) Minister Agriculture: M. Sc. Ph.D in Agriculture.
xi) Minister UDHD: A Veteran Architect having degree in Architecture
xii) Minister Excise: Msc. Chemistry with degree in blending technology.
xiii) Minister Home: IAS
xiv) MP: MA Phd in International Relations.

It was something worth giving a read but can these ever come to be materialize and how shall our Sikkim look if it really happens.


  1. i accept the above given view....i dont think its tough to find person with required qualification and experience to hold the post....

    if at all this things happen ... things will be different.... sikkim in particular and nation as a whole would change in no time ....

  2. agreeing with Dr. Sharma, and the writer of the blog, I would like to take this opportunity to state that in the context of Sikkim, the minimum qualification should be matriculation, and trust me, many of the politicians would fumble upon seeing the word "matriculation" because they are school dropouts, save the PhD's and Master's degree...

    these propagandist's only know how to be unpatriotic, towards one's state and one's country, as they have not gone through an formal education and believe you in me sir's, a person devoid of knowledge is similar to a person devoid of wisdom !!!
