
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Dalapchand SS gives farewell to three adhoc teachers

Dalapchand: Dalapchand SS gave farewell to three teachers in a small porgramme held at its school premises on December 20. An hour long programme was attended by al the teachers including the Headmaster. The programme was conducted by Karma Bhutia, senior teacher of the school.
Khadas were offered to three teachers, Miss Srijana Pradhan (GTB), Miss Sarala Gurung (GTA) and Miss Ambika Chettri (Computer Teacher).  UN Mishra, GT Maths in his speech spoked about the role played by the three teachers in the development of the school’s overall performances. Each of them shall be remembered in our heart said Mishra. ST Bhutia, Headmaster of Dalapchand SS said the outgoing three adhoc teachers was an integral part of our school and the school wish them best wishes for their future and   we welcome them in the coming session too, he went on to say.
Srijana Pradhan speaking on the behalf of the three teachers thanked the school authority for their cooperation and support. It was a wonderful year for each of us and we indeed have learnt many things from the school and from the school's staff that would surely be fruitful in our coming days, she said.
Srijana Pradhan and Sarala Gurung had been working at the school for 2011 session while Ambika Chettri was appointed as a computer teacher since last three years.

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