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Sunday, September 27, 2009
It was a quartz.....
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Junior International Gold medalist boxer Shiva Thapa visits Gangtok
Ranked world number two after Sergey Krasnitsky from Russia in Junior World Male Rankings in 50 kg/110 lbs Flyweight Division, Shiva Thapa is in Gangtok along with his father Padam Thapa and Private Secretary\, Nanda Kirat Dewan looking for some financial assistance in order to have an advance expertise training at London in the United Kingdom.
Speaking from Hotel Silverline at Gangtok, Padam Thapa, father of Shiva Thapa told that they had come all the way from Assam in the hope to get some sponsors and financial build-up for his son’s training proceedings. They had emailed PK Chamling, the Chief Minister of Sikkim about their financial condition and the Chief Minister in reply to their email had given some assurance as such they were expecting to have an appointment with the Chief Minister, added Padam Thapa.

Shiva is aiming for London Olympic 2012, we are here at Gangtok to meet people and have ideas as to how can we help Shiva’s talent go un-wasted, said Nanda Kirati Dewan, Shiva’s consultant. Meanwhile Press Club of Sikkim on 23rd at Gangtok felicitated Shiva Thapa for his brilliant performances in his short career.
Friday, September 25, 2009
East Point English School days
I still remember this 15th August football match that was held at Bardang. The year was 1989. The match was played for those players under 5'3" even though I was measured but I was 2-3 inch more and was not selected but we the school mates did go to watch the match. In the practice session Tashi was given practice as a goal keeper but in that particular match Pem Tshering was made the goalkeeper. The result was as expected our school team lost that particular match by nine goals to nil.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
1938 London printed Reader Digest
Friday, September 18, 2009
Nachyo Babari thrills young Burung students
SINGtAM: They came, they saw, but they did not conqueror, and yet they were winners of their own rights. The first round exit from the audition of the Nachyo Babari held at SDF Bhawan in Gangtok on September 13 did not deter the minds of students of Burung Primary School near Singtam. The mere opportunity to perform at the stage of the state-level competition was more than a lifelong experience for them. Burung Primary School, in its twenty-fourth year of establishment, broke their jinx when it sent its five students and its choreographer to participate in the dance competition. All girls’ group dance participants included students of age groups fourteen and fifteen. All the students were visiting Gangtok, the capital of Sikkim, for the very first time.
The student group presented their dance performance from Uttam Pradhan’s Nepali debut film “Darpan Chaya”, who was one of the three judges along with Kamal Rai and Pema Tsedun. The three judges did appreciate the performance of Geeta Sharma, the dance choreographer, and she passed on good wishes for it. In her early 20s, Geeta Sharma is an upcoming Singtam dancer. The other dancers included Sumitra Pradhan, Lakpa Diki Sherpa, Min Chettri, Nisha Pradhan and Ashika Tamang.
Speaking on the occasion, Lakpa Diki Sherpa, the youngest of the six dancers, said that it was something they had not dreamt of and shall not forget easily. That was echoed by the rest of the dancers, too. Indira Rizaal, dance instructor and a school teacher, added we wanted to help those students expand their vivid interests. Such extracurricular activities were important for the students and teachers after the completion of the second term examinations to start refreshing. The school authority also thanked the Swar Sikkim team for the opportunity to participate in the competition.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
I am participating at National Philatelic Exhibition
Three countries in a single photograph - Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Pandam Garhi surfaces stone inscription
Pandam Garhi is one such place that has always fascinated me. Several stories stay behind the backdrop of its origin, drawing interest among the common man for ages. I had heard a few war narratives related to the Pandam Garhi (fort) and Teen Jhurrey fort where the armies from opposite camps used to throw round river stones towards each other. This age-old method of throwing stones is more of a legend webbed in stories transferred from one generation to another. I am told that people discovered rusted arrows, cannon balls and a ‘jhatoa’ used for grinding grains and other objects in recent years by cattle grazers and by people moving to the jungle in search of woods.
But this summer, the discovery found underneath the shifted rock boulders and muddy debris of Pandam Garhi has excited the local people out there. Stone tablets, pottery pieces and a few other bits and pieces of history related to the region were found by the locals at the recent renovation of the legendary Pandam Garhi wall. Two inscribed stone tablets were found that could not be deciphered by the locals. Also found at the site were broken pieces of pottery materials and more than half a dozen round river stones used for throwing at the enemies. Above all one more interesting item was found underneath the stones, the local people had collected a few burned blackened charcoal pieces.
The legendary ruined wall at Pandam is a 16 km uphill climb from Rangpo. Never in the pages of a history book do we come across its talk about when it was built or how it was constructed at the top of the hill? Over the years many theories have evolved regarding its origin. Some theorists associate the fort with some Lepcha legends while few disagree with it and have their own adage. They make us believe it was one of the Chogyals who constructed it to stop the approaching Bhutanese army from entering Sikkim. The last theory to add already baffling and controversial says it was one of the Gurkha Generals from Nepal who constructed the fort along with the Kalika Mandir also called Nishani Mandir just below it. With each theory making questions over my mind I decided to have my second trek to the Pandam Garhi. I had with me a few friends, some canned foods, a few bottles of water, a few photographs from my last visit and lots of excitement to carry my instinct towards the steep valley climb.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Monday, September 07, 2009
Family Photograph of Chogyal Sir Tashi Namgyal (mid 1920s)
Children in front from photo's L-R:
Crown Prince Paljor Namgyal, Chogyal P.T.Namgyal, Princess Pema Tsedeun
Information shared by Tina Tashi
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Karte von Sikhim u. Ost-Nipal

"Original lithograph, handcolored in outline. Detailed map of Sikhim and Eastern Nipal with the neighbouring Tibet and Mt. Kintschin-Djunga based on the expeditions of Dr. J.D. Hooker. The map provides pretty good information on elevations, various woods, mountains, rivers, glaciers and monastries. In the lower right corner a small inset map to the ‘Sikhim-Himalaya’. In excellent condition. Gotha, Justus Perthes. 1861 (24,4 x 19,2 cm) Condition: Excellent [Stock No.: 18524]"
Sikkim’s antique Generator and Turbine needs a place in history
An old Turbine and generator is kept in the Diesel Power House in Gangtok under the energy and Power Department. The Turbine in question pertains to the old Power House at Ranikhola which was build in the year 1932. This was considered the first and one of the oldest Power Houses under the state power Department during those days when Sikkim PWD and power department were considered as one Department.
This Generator’s capacity was 50 KW, manufactured by English Motor Electric Co England. It may be mentioned here that the power generated from this Power House use to be transmitted by the ways of 3.3kv line to serve the entire town as well the Royal Palace.
The old Darjeeling toy train of narrow gauge has been given due recognition from UNCESO as a world heritage site. Similarly, if the State Government, especially the Power Department, is interested, it can also provide a befitting resting place for the old generator and showcase it as a part of Sikkim’s developmental history. What is needed here is a sort of museum/exhibition stall to keep this piece of history. It would be a great tourist attraction as well as research material for students.
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Crown Prince Tenzing of Sikkim
To start with, below is the photograph of Crown Prince Tenzing of Sikkim, son of the 12th Chogyal and Sangey Deki, daughter of Yapshi Samdu Phodrang of Tibet. The Crown Prince died in a car accident on 11th March 1978.

Friday, September 04, 2009
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Hope Cook presented Sikkim men's boot to USA Museum (1966)

Wednesday, September 02, 2009
CLARITY ON CITIZENSHIP (Indian of Sikkimese Origin)
Indian of Sikkimese Origin
On 26th April 1975, Sikkim was appointed as 22nd state of India. On that day, Sikkim Citizens, Subject holder (Sikkimese) became Indian Citizen according to “Sikkim (Citizenship) Order, 1975” which says “Every person who immediately before the 26th day of April, 1975 was a Sikkim Subject under the Sikkim Subject Regulation 1961, shall be deemed to have become a citizen of India on that day”. As the Indian Constitution does not provide dual citizenship and there exist only citizenship for the whole of country, therefore, the regulation which provided Sikkim Citizenship (Subjects) commonly known as “Sikkim Subject Regulation Act, 1961” was repealed on 13th Sep 1975 according to “Adaptation of Sikkim Laws (No.1) Order” power conferred by clause (l) of Article 371-F of the Constitution which took effect from 26th April 1975 (appointed day). A million dollar question arises here. Who were Sikkim Subjects pre-merger? The answer lies in here that before the promulgation of Sikkim Subject Regulation Act, 1961, there were no proper data of Sikkim domicile or regulation which regulated Sikkim Subjects. People from neighboring areas freely and easily settled here. According to Article VII (1) of Indo-Sikkim Treaty, 1950, citizen of both countries were provided free movement on each other’s territory and Article VII (2) (a) (b) permitted the citizen of both countries to carry trade, commerce and right to hold property on each other’s territory.
Hence, for verification and to provide proper documentation and domicile to its citizen, “Sikkim Subject Regulation Act, 1961” was promulgated by the 11th Chogyal, Sir Tashi Namgyal on 3rd July, 1961. Initially, when the Act was drafted, there was a public outcry against the Act, as it did not include the majority section. But finally, the controversy was soon over as the Act was later amended on 1962 which provided with Sikkim Citizenship to every rightful citizens of Sikkim.
Likewise, section 3 of the Act provided Sikkim Subject, which said:
Certain persons domiciled in Sikkim Territory at, the Commencement of the Regulation to be Sikkim subjects-
(1) Every person who has his domicile in the territory of Sikkim immediately before the commencement of this Regulation shall be a Sikkim Subject if he-
(a) was born in the territory of Sikkim and is resident therein, or
(b) has been ordinarily resident in the territory of Sikkim for the period of not less then fifteen years immediately preceding such commencement: Provided that in counting the said period of fifteen years any absence from the said territory on account of service under the Government of India shall be disregarded; or
(c) is the wife or minor child of a person mentioned in clause (a) or clause (b):
Provided that a person shall not be a Sikkim subject under this section unless he makes a declaration to the effect that he is not a citizen of any other country at the time of inclusion of his name in the register of Sikkim subjects to be maintained under this Regulation:
These were the guidelines and criteria lay under the Regulation to become a Sikkim subject or let say “Sikkimese”. Sikkim’s Citizenship was given to all, regardless of race, caste, creed and color. No where at the Regulation, it was written that Sikkim Citizenship will be provided only to the hills men and not to the plainsmen. This Act was one of the most impartial laws in the history of Sikkim. This Act was a choice to be Sikkimese. Some didn’t opt to be Sikkimese then as they didn’t surrender the citizenship of their parent country, which was one of the criteria to acquire the Sikkimese Citizenship.
Though, Sikkim Subject Regulation Act, 1961 has been repealed after the merger with the Indian Union as mentioned above, Today, the descendent of then Sikkimese are provided with Certificate of Identification. Today, we, every descendent of Sikkimese Subjects are an Indian of Sikkimese origin. Today, we are Sikkimese not because we were born here, but because our fore fathers had the right and choose to be one.
It is true; Part III of the Indian Constitution “Fundamental Rights” provides equal rights to every citizen of India. Having said that, at the same time Part XXI of the Constitution also provides special provision to certain areas and its people. Likewise, Sikkim and its people (Sikkimese) have been provided with special provision under Article 371-F of the Indian Constitution.
Article 371-F was included in the Indian Constitution according to 36th Amendment Act in the year 1975, which were the condition and an agreement between the people of Sikkim and the Indian Union for the merger. In the same manner, Article 371-F (k) protects old laws of Sikkim. Under the same, according to Government Service rule 4(4) 1974, only locals (Sikkimese) are recruited at Government job which falls under the state list of the seventh schedule of the Constitution. Non-Sikkimese isn’t allowed to hold property at rural areas, along with few more safeguards. Regardless today, Sikkimese or Non-Sikkimese, every Indian Citizen can pursue Central Government jobs here in Sikkim, carry out trade, business or run a company and many more.
Sikkim, post merger with the Indian Union has lost more, than compared to what we have gained with respect to Article 371-F. We’ve lost our Nation; we’ve lost our nationality, lost our identity, majority Sikkimese lost their seats in assembly. Its very pity that our politicians still plays the politics of “Sikkim Subject”, which unfortunately many Sikkimese are not aware that “Sikkim Subject Regulation Act, 1961” itself was repealed way back on 1975 which regulated the Sikkim Subjects. All these can’t be compared with any amount of money flow or virtual development done by the Central Government. Democracy in Sikkim has been written with the blood of Sikkim mother’s bravest son Martyr Basant Kumar Chettri and sacrifices done by many more unknown heroes.
Though today, every Sikkimese is proud to call him/her self’s Indian, so do I. The feeling “We are Indian” should not flush out from the hearts and mind of Sikkimese people for a larger perspective. But it is mainly in the hands of Union Government and as well as Local Government for how long this feeling and perception remains in the heart and mind of the Indian of the Sikkimese origin.
Nawin Kiran,
Working President,
All Sikkim Educated Self Employed & Unemployed Association,
Balidan Diwas observed in Shillong, 2009

Kalimpong (BGP Media Cell) :
The Bharatiya Gorkah Parisangh, Meghalaya State, organized the Balidan Diwas (Martyr's Day) on 25th August 2009. In the morning, the president of the Meghalaya unit of BGP unfurled the flag at a Gorkha Pathsala Ground.
A blood donation camp was organized at 10am in the Thakurbari Cultural Hall in collaboration with the Regional Pasteur Institute and Meghalaya Blood Bank. Fourteen people donated their blood, including Sri CM Adhikari, a 65-year-old advocate and Vice President of BGP, Meghalaya state. The Blood Donation camp was declared open by Rev. Enos Das Pradhan, General Secretary of the Church of North India (CNI), New Delhi. At the camp, Dr. Nongrum spoke about the awareness and benefits of donating blood to help the poor and the needy. He further appraised the gathering that the blood donated does not harm a person's health as it is regenerated shortly within a couple of weeks. Therefore, people should not hesitate to donate blood. At the outset, Sri JN Koirala, General Secretary of BGP, Meghalaya State gave the welcome address; M/S Rapsang Group of Industries donated 20 bottles of Horlicks to the blood donors as a gesture to thank the blood donors.
The final football match of Shaheed Major Durga Mall Memorial Invitation Football Tournament was played at 2.30 pm in the Gorkha Pathsala School Ground. Sri Bindo M. Lanong, Honourable Deputy Chief Minister of Meghalaya, was the football final's chief guest. Sri Manas Chowdhary, local MLA and Rev. Dr. Enos Das Pradhan were the guests of honour. Sri Manas Chowdhary, in his speech, suggested to the Government of Meghalaya to name the football field in the name of martyr major Durga Mall, which was supported by Sri Bindo M. Lanong, Deputy Chief Minister of Meghalaya.
Sri Lanong, in his speech, said that naming this football field in the name of Durga Mall would be a befitting tribute to the martyr. The veteran politician and social worker, Sri D. N. Joshi, graced the occasion with his august presence despite his ill health. His presence added fervour in the tournament. In his brief speech, Sri Madhu Sudan Singh Rawat narrated the life history of Mary Major Durga Mall and the significance of observing the day as Balidan Diwas. He further said that Major Durga Mall was hanged by the Imperialist British Government for fighting against the British Government to free our motherland from slavery.
Martyr Major Durga Mall was caught by the enemy forces while he was deputed to collect strategic information about the enemy force at Ukhrul, Manipur. Major was sent to the gallows on 25th August 1944. Further, Sri Rawat informed the gathering that the Meghalaya State Unit of BGP has provided funds to the poor and downtrodden students since 2006 to encourage the poor students to acquire education since they could not afford to go to schools due to financial handicaps. To date, this organization has financed 98 students from 10 schools. The BGP proposed providing financial help to more students in the future and providing books and uniforms to poor students. Sri Rawat thanked all who provided funds for this noble cause.
The game was kicked off at 230pm. The players and referee were introduced to the Deputy Chief Minister. The game was very contesting. Both Jhalupara A (Unified) and Barapathr Sports Club demonstrated a quality game. The Jhalupara team proved better than the opponent as they scored three goals and won the match 3-0.
11 teams from Shillong and Ri-Bhoi District localities participated in the tournament. Sri Rahul Sarki of Naspatighari was adjudged the best player of the tournament, and Sri Sanjiv Sankar of Trisul Club was awarded the best goalkeeper. The game was supervised by Sri Bishnu Mawling, Sri Marwein, Sri Khongrim, and Sri R. Rani.
This release is based on the input supplied by Shri J. N. Koirala, Gen Secretary, BGP, Meghalaya State.