Reshma Subba has extended her gratitude to the Prime Minister of India, Minister, HRDD, Government of India, Chief Minister of Sikkim, HRDD, Government of Sikkim, and CBSE Board. She went on to say that she shall always remain grateful to the Principal and teachers of Namthang SSS. It was their effort and blessing that gave her the opportunity of a lifetime.
Speaking on occasion, Reshma Subba said the biggest moment in her three-day visit to New Delhi included a handshake with Smriti Zubin Irani, Minister, HRDD, Government of India, in an award ceremony. Subba said she was very pleased when the Minister, HRDD, congratulated her along
with other students. She further said she felt proud to be part of Prime
Minister Narendra Modi's Speech at Red Fort on August 15.
Reshma Subba was
accompanied by Dharma
Raj Subba, father, and ND Subba, Uncle. The other students from Sikkim who participated in the event included Diksha Nepal, Songmit Lepcha, Pradeep Tamang, and Buddhabir Tamang.
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