11.10.15: Shantinagar Goan Sudhar Samiti selects new executives in its annual meeting held today. Mohan Sunar was nominated the new President of Shantinagar Goan Sudhar Samiti. Other people to get the portfolio included, Krishna Chettri and Devika Lamichaney (Vice President), Gopal Subba (General Secretary), Milan Sharma and Sudarshan Sunar (Joint Secretary), Dhiraj Pradhan, Karishma Rizaal and Sushmita Subba (Treasurer), BB Tamang and Aachen Lepcha (Social Secretary, Maiya Pradhan, Reeta Subba and Jayanti Pradhan (Store In-charge). The old committee was dissolved to form a new committee.
HN Sharma, President of the old committee gave the profile of activities performed by the organization in the last three years. Krishna Chettri gave the details of the financial accounts over the years. Nirmal Pradhan was the host of the program. All the previous executive members have included Advisors. Other people person to speak on the occasion was LN Pradhan, PP Upretti, and Mohan Sunar.
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