The stage was set for the Yuvraj of Indian Politics at Palzor Stadium, Gangtok. Like many others, I was in a queue at the stadium's entrance gate under the scorching summer sun. With crowds rushing up like ants, the scenario everywhere was much different from what usually happens in Sikkim politics.
I could hear national integration songs being scored up loudly on microphones as if I was about to witness a National festival, much like Independence Day or Republic Day. Among the crowd, I was holding a small handbag with an umbrella inside, as rainfall is unpredictable in this part of the region these days.

Congress supporters of all ages from every corner of the state had gathered. With all the hushing and pushing, I made my way to the security personnel who were checking every individual entering the stadium. I had my bag in front of me, and as I was ready to open the zip of my bag, I was told to keep aside the bag before entering the stadium. I showed them it was only an umbrella but I was denied, the same sentence echoed from behind ''if you want to enter inside remove your bag as well as remove your mobile battery".
I found myself in a funny situation. I came all the way from Singtam, which was an hour-long drive with no vehicle available. Even after waiting more than half an hour, I hurried into a crowded bus to ensure I did not miss Rahul Gandhi. Now, when I was about to step my foot, I was told I could not do so without leaving my bag, I was now looking frustrated with the security personnel and asked them where I should throw my bag to enter inside. But I could not get a reply.
Feeling dejected, I returned to the stadium. I had in mind that I could not watch Rahul Gandhi because of my umbrella, yet I was consoling myself that tomorrow, every local newspaper would have Rahul's story and his photograph. Photo: Himalayadarpan
Was just wondering if your umbrella was Blue,Yellow and red:)
ReplyDeleteNyways I too heard and saw it in the newspaper that Palzor Stadium was crowed by Congress supports but I even heard that Other party supporters were there to get a glimpse of Rahul Gandhi adding more people to the crowd(lol) Oh btw I dunno if its also True that all the vechiles were WB number and was paid 200 per head to bring Tehelka to the other party i.e SDF..God knows.
well I aint a supporter of any Party but a true loving Daughter:)
wadever,u always have something unique about your blog like Khali in sikkim etc etc..I wish u best for the coming future..And I personally feel u should get a Domain..If u do so..hope I can buy an Ad place in ur site:)
Its an irony of life.....being in double democratic state i fear to disclose what was my parties symbol....
ReplyDeletewell thanks for appreciating my work.....I was looking for domain but it cost me much more. But if i get someday i shall do think of you....
Its totally okay who you voted for because everyone have a right to vote and choose the one who they feel is right to rule the state...
ReplyDeleteDomain indeed is expensive but setting up and designing will cost even more..I don't know if u ever came across can host blogspot from this server..if u sign up then u will have your
And there is freewebs) which I feel is very resonable..
Btw thanx a lot for putting up my blog.( that means a lot)
God Bless
wat i dnt usnderstand is..wats wrong in using WB vehicles???...if the sikkim people cannot give their vehicles for opposition's gatherings....remember..that day..SDF had shrewdly booked most of the sikkim vehicles..though they had no use at all..these are the reasons wasnt easy to get vehicle for opposition leaders..really tough..but who cares....just because MG MARG has been beautified doesnt mean the roads of west sikkim, the schools ,water problems,etc are earnest request to all my sikkim lovers....just by lukin at MG MARG N NAMCHI..dnt judge 15 years..its mere foolishness...
ReplyDeleteDear Mr.Vickey Palzor Lepcha,
ReplyDeleteI have been reading all your comments in this blog.I respect every comments and every points that you want to reach the people of Sikkim..Thats a job well done BUT,I don't get it why you have something or the other to say to every person's view.Well you have clearly said don't judge SDF by looking at MG MARG N NAMCHI and Don't Judge 15 years..I wish to understand Clearly what you mean.I suppose you mean not to Judge SSP( SIkkim Sangram PArishad)which ruled SIkkim for 15 years too without bringing any changes and doing nothing for SIkkim.If thats what you mean that you are right N its not mere foolishness but true thoughtfulness.
Congress supporters of all age from every corner of the state had gathered. With all the hushing and pushing i made my way to the security personal who was checking every individual entering inside the stadium.