Ever since my love with Sikkim history grew i had always given soft hands to those old photographs shot in and around Sikkim. Some few years back while surfing down the room of my grandfather i found couple of old photographs of my interest. One of them is the one i am publishing now, this photograph is clicked at Rhenock at Chandra Nursery. The banner in the photograph shows Chandra Dramatic Club, Rhenock which has caught my fantasy. I had gone through the old people in Rhenock and Rongli but i never heard anyone talk about that Dramatic Club. So i believe the club must had been formed during the Dushera festival or at Dipawali festival. In this part of the regions during this two festivals there are traditions of observing festivals with coulourful environment.
Wow! That is indeed a rare picture! I seem to be learning more about my family each time I visit your site :) I hope I'll remember to ask my dad abt the club next time I talk to him.