Narbahadur, was the most powerful Hindu priest in their entire cluster of villages in the Himalayan mountains of Sikkim. His magical powers made him a powerful Shamaan (witch doctor) too. His incantations brought some of the highest demons to his services. In his search for higher powers, Narbahadur became an ardent devotee of the goddess Kali.
His youngest son, Kishan—the youngest of eleven brothers and sisters—was the chosen one. When Kishan was seven years old, the “Queen of Seven”, another powerful mountain deity, came upon him, and he began to shake vigorously under the power. The goddess then spoke through him, and everyone knew that the goddess was pleased with Kishan. He was to lead next, but meantime, there was a problem—there could not be a two power carriers in the same house. This could develop conflicts between opposing demons, calling for opposing purposes when commanded by two members of the same family. So Kishan had to wait. Only his father could be the chief priest.
When Kishan was about thirteen, his father died. Kishan would be the next priest. During the day, Kishan would be taught the basics of magic and Hindu rites by a guru. However, at night, while Kishan was asleep, the goddess herself would take his soul and teach him higher forms of magic and rituals. Kishan says, “It was real. I remembered those lessons, and used the new lessons with results in this physical life upon my return.”
Kishan’s fame grew, even as a young teenager, and he healed people with all sorts of diseases.
One day Kishan heard a man preaching about a god named Jesus, but he did not want to have anything to do with Christians or their god. That evening, when Kishan went to bed, a great light entered his room. Kishan recalls that the intensity of the light was so great that he had to bow his head to shield his eyes. He sensed that someone else was in the room. As he looked around, he first saw the feet and lower half of the robe-covered body. The tall stranger, dressed in a flowing white robe, was standing in his room. He had a kind face, and the light (which Kishan now calls God’s glory) radiated all around him.
Kishan could not look for long, because of the intense light, and he immediately knew in his heart that the man was Jesus.
Kishan said, “Why have you come here? I don’t need you.” Jesus stood silently. Kishan argued his case for several hours, “I have 330 million gods and goddesses. Why should I serve you?” The response was silence and radiant light. Kishan continued to argue, telling Jesus why he need not follow Him. Finally, a totally exhausted Kishan stopped talking. In the quietness of that Kishan (facing) praying for Sikkim
Kishan does not happened what happened next, but the next morning he felt “light and free.” He ran to the people who had shared about Jesus and began to devour the Word.
Kishan’s family banished him from their homes, and the village chief denied him access to water from the well, which meant he was excommunicated.
Kishan surrendered his life to Jesus, and his only desire was to tell others about Him. Early every morning, he climbed the Himalayan mountains in the state of Sikkim to share the gospel. He often had no food, and he had only one set of clothes. Every night he returned home tired and usually hungry. Kishan prayed for the villages from 8 PM till 3 AM; then he slept for a few hours before leaving for another day of witnessing in the unreached mountain villages.
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