Thursday, June 13, 2024

Sikkim's Chief Minister Prem Singh Golay on Krishna Kumari Rai's Resignation as MLA

From the official Facebook Page of Chief Minister Prem Singh Golay.

About the news of the resignation of my spouse, Smt. Krishna Kumari Rai, MLA of the 11-Namchi-Singithang Constituency, I wish to inform the dear and respected people of Sikkim that she has vacated her seat in alignment with the unanimous decision of the Party, prioritizing its welfare and objectives.

It is important to note that, at the request of the parliamentary committee of the SKM Party, she contested the elections for the welfare of our party. On behalf of our Party, as president, I express my sincere gratitude to her for her dedication and unwavering support.

The Party Committee is committed to providing opportunities to genuine and dedicated party functionaries. To the residents of the Namchi-Singithang Constituency, I assure you that you will continue to have a dedicated and genuine MLA who will serve your interests. Madam Krishna Rai and I will remain deeply involved in addressing your needs, ensuring that the constituency benefits from the care and attention of three representatives: the new candidate, Madam Krishna Rai, and myself.

With earnest gratitude, I urge the residents of the constituency not to be disheartened by this news. Please continue to have confidence in the leadership of the SKM Party, as well as in my personal care and concern for the people of the Namchi-Singithang Constituency.

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